Optimizing Inventory Control: A Guide to Managing Multiple Stock Locations in Odoo

  • Published : Apr,7,2023
  • By: David Smith
Optimizing Inventory Control: A Guide to Managing Multiple Stock Locations in Odoo


When managing multiple stock locations, it is crucial to understand the difference between stock and location. A stock is a cost center or profit center that represents a single business unit, for example, manufacturing or sales. A location is an area in which a company does business, such as stores or warehouses. In other words:

  • What is the difference between stock and location?

The main difference between the two is that you can only have one physical location for each product, which means that if you want to sell your products in different locations, you must create multiple stocks of each item.

  • What are multiple stock locations? This feature allows you to set up multiple locations for each product in Odoo. Each location type acts like a warehouse where you can store items as well as put away rules that determine when an order should be picked from this particular warehouse. You can then link these warehouses together so that they all act as one big storage facility for all products associated with it–no matter how many warehouses are involved!

What is the difference between stock and location?

Stock is a kind of inventory. It’s the stuff you have on hand, and it can be any type of product or service.

Location is also a kind of inventory–a place where the stock is stored. You might have one warehouse for all your products, multiple warehouses in different cities, or maybe even just one office with two desks and some shelves in it!

What is multiple stock location?

Multi-location stock management is a way to manage multiple stock locations in Odoo. It’s particularly useful if you have multiple warehouses, or if you want to keep track of where your inventory is at all times.

It’s important to note that this feature isn’t just for physical stores–it can also be used for online orders and other types of distribution channels too!

Location type

You can create multiple stock locations in Odoo and assign them to your products.

A location can be of the following types:

  • Warehouse (default location type) – This is the default location type. It’s used when no other specific rules are met. This means that all products will have this warehouse assigned by default, unless you decide otherwise by editing them individually or in bulk from the Product tab under Warehouse Management > Locations.
  • Warehouse with putaway rules – This is similar to a regular warehouse except that it has additional options for defining how much space each product takes up within its respective bin/rack/shelf etc., as well as whether or not it requires pallets for storage purposes (which would affect how much space remains available). You can also set whether or not certain types of items should go into separate areas from others within the same warehouse if necessary–for example, different types of raw materials might need separate storage spaces because they’re incompatible with each other chemically speaking!

Location linked with putaway rules

Putaway rules are used to determine the location where an order is stored.

Putaway rules are linked with locations, warehouse locations and store locations.

Putaway rules can be created for plant locations as well as other types of storage like FIFO (First In First Out) or LIFO (Last In First Out).

By understanding the difference between stock and location, you will be able to manage multiple stock locations in Odoo.

Now you know what a location is, and how to create one. But what if you have multiple locations?

You can create as many locations as needed for your business. However, it’s important that each location has its own unique identifier so that Odoo can identify them independently of each other. That way, when it comes time to add products or update stock information on an item in one place (say, at the warehouse) those changes will not affect another location with the same product name (like your store).

To manage multiple stock locations within Odoo take advantage of their flexibility by setting up different types of locations based on how they’re used throughout your business processes (e.g., “Warehouse” vs “Storage Room”). Location type is a field available under Setup > Locations > Settings tab where users can choose from options including “Warehouse” or “Storage Room”.


By understanding the difference between stock and location, you will be able to manage multiple stock locations in Odoo.